Spring is just around the corner. Hope you are seeing nature’s signs of growth and renewal wherever you are. In Southern California, the trees are filling with leaves and more flowers are blooming each day. Spring signals renewal, and by definition, opening up to new ways of thinking and feeling.
It is also a great time to take a fresh look at the Microsoft SharePoint, Teams, and Power Platform tools and solutions you’ve rolled out over the years. How well they are working for you and your users? Have they become stale? How have your users have adapted to new ways of working in a digital and remote environment?
Your organization has likely devoted large amounts of thought, money, and time to the technology enhancement projects created to increase efficiency and productivity to better the workplace. Solutions are designed, implemented, and tested to ensure that they work in the manner for which they were intended. So, what happens after go-live? Do your users make the changes necessary to effectively use the new tools that have been provided to make their jobs easier? How about 3, 6, or 12 months later? Is your organization getting the value and efficiencies originally intended or have folks gone back to their old ways of working? Perhaps they’ve created workarounds to avoid using the solution? Are there gaps in the process that have only come to light once the solutions have been in use for a while, or suggestions for improvements that are inspired by your champions who are ready to take the next step?
By taking a fresh look at how well these tools and solutions are working, you have an opportunity to continuously improve both the solution and the adoption of the solution for your users. Depending on the results of your findings, you may identify a need to improve the functionality of the solution or, it could be that the users never fully adopted the solution which requires a renewed focus on engagement, training, and user adoption.
Whether you are rolling out new solutions and features, have identified gaps in adoption, or are seeking to get the maximum value out of your Microsoft SharePoint, Teams, Power Platform, and other collaboration technologies in the Microsoft 365 platform, there are fantastic resources available in the Microsoft Adoption Portal. Nicely organized by roles, products, and solutions, you’ll find training resources, guides, adoption playbooks, case studies, and more. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. These tools provide inspiration and serve as a foundation for improving the adoption of Microsoft solutions throughout your organization.
If you’re seeking a partner to help you assess and optimize the solutions you have in place or to plan, implement and accelerate your Microsoft User Adoption Program, Compass365 can help. Contact us to get started.