Provide seamless collaboration across your organization

Our Workplace Collaboration Services for SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and Microsoft Copilot are designed to address your organization’s needs for collaboration, internally and externally, providing the right tool for any job. Compass365 will configure platforms to meet your needs and empower your users with training and support – all while ensuring your compliance and security requirements are met.

Microsoft 365 Assessment and Roadmap Planning

Microsoft 365 provides great tools to enable collaboration and improve processes but selecting and standardizing on the right tool for the job can be challenging. With our Assessment and Roadmap Planning engagement, Compass365 will help you accelerate your digital transformation with Microsoft 365 collaboration tools.

Customer Success

“With any technology migration and updated processes, user adoption and engagement are priority number one, and Compass365 ensured our success.”

Ryan Nagahori, Program Manager, Sakata Seed America

“We were excited in every meeting with Compass365 because we all knew how much value the changes they suggested are going to bring to the day-to-day work of our wonderful volunteers.”

Kathryn Autin, Board Member, Oakland Museum Women’s Board

Our Process

We combine our years of SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and Power Platform expertise with proven methods to help improve the way companies work, operate, and confidently get the value from their Microsoft 365 investments.

A series of workshops to create your roadmap based on collaboration, communication, document management, and governance goals.

Use the roadmap to configure services, implement governance, and prepare for rollout.

Engage the user community and drive the adoption of SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and OneDrive.

Ongoing support and enhancements to maximize collaboration in your organization.

Modern Workplace Insights

We make it easy as 1, 2, 3 to improve operations and the way your employees work using Microsoft 365