Migrating your intranet can be an expensive effort, but with careful planning and smart strategies, you can keep costs down while ensuring a smooth transition.  Here are some practical tips to help you save money on your intranet migration:

Plan Carefully

Proper planning is the foundation of a successful and cost-effective intranet migration. Start by defining clear objectives and a detailed scope for the project. Outline the steps involved, set realistic timelines, and assign responsibilities. A well-thought-out plan helps avoid unexpected expenses and keeps the project on track.

Leverage In-House IT Staff and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Your existing IT staff and SMEs possess valuable knowledge about your current intranet and organizational needs. If they’re not available to perform the bulk of the work, at least try to utilize their expertise to inform the migration process and help validate its results. Involving in-house experts can also ensure that the new system aligns closely with your operational requirements.

Clean Up Your Data

Before migrating, conduct a thorough audit of your intranet content. Identify redundant, outdated, or trivial data and remove it. Cleaning up your data not only makes the migration process more efficient but also reduces storage costs. By migrating only necessary and useful information, you get to start with a clean new system and save money.  This also presents a great opportunity to get content governance policies in place to capitalize on the benefits of the data cleanup you just performed (and to prevent having to do such a large cleanup effort in the future).

Migrate Only the Latest Version of Documents and Content

To avoid clutter and confusion, ensure that you only migrate the latest versions of documents and content. This reduces the volume of data to be transferred and minimizes potential errors. Keeping your intranet up-to-date with the most current information improves usability and helps maintain a clean, organized system.

Reduce/Remove Any Complex Security Setups

While security is crucial, overly complex security configurations can increase costs and complicate the migration process. Review your security settings and simplify them where possible. Implement a streamlined security approach that still meets your organization’s requirements but is easier and less expensive to manage.

Perform a Pilot Migration on a Subset of Data

Before executing a full-scale migration, conduct a pilot migration on a small subset of your data. This helps identify potential issues and allows you to refine your approach. A pilot migration serves as a test run, reducing the risk of costly errors during the main migration. It also provides an opportunity to train your team and gather feedback.

What’s Next?

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the costs associated with an intranet migration while ensuring a successful transition. If you need help conducting an intranet migration, Compass365 can help. We work to incorporate all these tips and more to ensure a cost-effective and successful intranet migration.  Contact us to learn more!