July 14, 2026, is the official end-of-life date for both SharePoint Server 2016 and SharePoint Server 2019 – the time to assess and plan for your migration to SharePoint Online is now.
Migrating into SharePoint Online from SharePoint Server can be time-consuming and complex but is well worth the effort to avoid the risks of being unsupported and to gain the increased functionality and ease of working in the modern experience in SharePoint Online. The Compass Guide to SharePoint Online Migrations, our latest eBook, can help to set you on the path to success. We’ve provided learnings from the hundreds of migrations we’ve delivered in the past 15 years. In this guide you’ll learn the following:
- The benefits of modernization in Microsoft 365
- Key considerations and proper migration planning
- The Compass365 SharePoint migration methodology
Experience has shown that successful SharePoint migrations require analysis, planning, and stakeholder involvement. Take the time to plan and take advantage of the modern experiences in SharePoint Online.
Ready to make the move to SharePoint Online?
If you are seeking a partner to deliver a well-planned and executed migration, we can help. Please see more on our migration approach or reach out directly to Cathy Ashbaugh, cashbaugh@compass365.com to arrange for a complimentary consultation.
Compass365, a Microsoft Gold Partner, delivers SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and Power Platform solutions that help IT and Business leaders improve the way their organizations operate and how their employees work
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